Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gold Figure...

So I have been a slacking lazy bum fashion head and model. Period. No way to sugar coat it and that is not even my style. But I was online window shopping at work today (yes I said online window shopping, I'm not allowed to shop until 2012), and ran across the most fabulous pair of gold jeans I have ever seen in my life. A must have. I will have. i have to break out of my shopping hibernation just for these babies. I was inspired to write this blog simply off of those jeans...go figure!! All it took for me to come out of my laziness was a pair of awesome gold beauties! Wanna see...

See..these are just to die for. And I  chose this shot because it makes her lil butt look cute. These will be mine. So...this is the start of some good shit. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

knowles stan.

Well I normally get on here and give you tips, tricks, and some fashion suggestions. Today I need to share with you all some of my inspirations. Throughout the week I will post at least one human being who gives me all kinds of inspiration. Today, I am going to start with one of my MAJOR inspirations....Ms. Solange Knowles. This chick rocks her shit and rocks it right. She is not afraid of mixing patterns, prints and textures! She long and slim like myself so she shows me all the time what I can look like in certain looks. She gives me life on every red carpet, every event, and every website I see her on....check her out.

Jessie J - Nobody's Perfect// Great fashion pieces in this video....

A girl w/ STYLE... I'm talking Jessie J

OK! I'm sure you've all heard of Jessie J... not only is she an AMAZING singer but I LOVE her style. She sat down b/c of her injured leg the entire time @ the VMA's and still WAS THE BEST DRESSED (in my eyes). Her style is different and not everyone can pull it off BUT if you know me you know I will try... Below are some of my favorite pieces that she has worn including her VMA outfit...

All I keep thinking is boots, tights, and LEATHER! Must be fall....

My FAVORITE season is approaching. Fall fashion is what I LIVE FOR. Cute booties and fun tights! I can't wait to show you guys some great ways to wear leather, boots, and tights. I think men in leather pants will be huge this coming Fall/Winter Season. Guys don't shy away from trying something new. Leather skinnies w/ a button down or denim would be BOMB and will definitely turn heads. As you know, I LOVE Kanye and his style. I think he is going to pull of some amazing stuff this Season.

As for us Ladies, all I can say is COLOR BLOCK COLOR BLOCK COLOR BLOCK. I mean go all out! Get those cute red pants out of the closet and pair them with a cute pink top and plum clutch. May sound crazy but once you piece it all together I PROMISE you'll love it. Also, play with different patterns.... mix stripes with polka dots!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

B&S are with it.

Yo!! It's been a long time...and we do apologize, but the bonnie and style bitches are back! And since it's been FOREVER and a day we decided to do a lil video of what's ahead...check it out!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Skinny on Skinnys... Can I have your number?

One thing that I love to see a guy in is a pair of Levi's... I think the fit of them (w/ the right outfit of course) is extremely sexy. I have listed a few of my favorites and some I think you have to be very bold and I do mean BOLD to pull off. So, tell me... What's your number?...

501. I personally like to see guys in the Original 501 jean. I think they are the perfect look & fit for most guys.
514. My next favorite would have to be the 514 Slim Straight. I love when MY guy wears these..Love it
511. Okay here is where it starts to get tricky. The 511 skinny. Now, I still like these but NOT everyone can pull these off. If you just have to have a pair I would try looking at some of the stuff Chris Brown wears to see what you can and can NOT pair w/ these. If you know how to rock these I think they are SUPER HOTT!
510. Now the 510 super skinny is a little too skinny if you ask me. Maybe for teens this look is okay but for MEN well... umm... ehhh... I'm not feeling it. I think these jeans would look better on femals but u like I love it.

Give the Drummer Some...

The VERY talented Travis Barker is releasing his debut CD today & I'm totally stoked!!! I love that the title of the album is "Give the Drummer Some" (cute).You guys remember this hottie from the band Blink 182...  I love his skateboard/punk rock style. Oh, and all those tattoos. I wish him the best w/ his debut album! Make sure you go and cop the album! I will... LaterS.

Monday, March 14, 2011

We all we got...

All of my crew knows a lil something about style! This is the night of my doll Tam's bday... Everyone looked so cute that night.... Oh, and no, I didn't wear that hat w/ my outfit, lol. I love how all of us have such a different & unique styles...


Homicide on a Vogue cover...

If you guys haven't figured it out by now...I 'm a Rihanna stan, and proud!!! lol I love this bish! She is still killing that fire red hair and absolutely MURDERED this Vogue cover. The dress. The hair. The styling. The scenery. All of it...AMAZING. The fact that she went with a darker shade of red for the spread shows me she knows her style. I effin love it! all of it! She can do no wrong in my eyes...and has really made her mark in the fashion world. just thought I'd kick start with this post coming back from my hiatus. I get tons of inspiration from this chick!!! Tell me what you all think of her style...



Allow me to reintroduce myself...

This is an old pic...but it shows...less is more. Just accessorize ladies...
Hi my fab bishes...Guess who's back??? Meeeeeeeeee...and my partner in crime. We have literally been the laziest two bums on this Earth! But no more...I can't neglect my babies ever again! So expect more, more, and more from us!! We a LOT going on and we want to share it with you all. I've been extremely inspired lately and I honestly can't believe this is my first post since I have been inspired. Spring is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER PEOPLE!!! Time to get hot and sexy!!! From this day forward I vow to shoot out at least one blog per day...but trust it will be more because my inspirations are through the roof!!! So let's go bishes!!!!!!!

Cee Lo Green - Bodies VIDEO directed by Mikael Colombu

Breezy's BLONDE hair. HATE it or LOVE it...

I personally LOVE LOVE LOVE Chris Brown's blonde hair... It looks great on him!! Not many can pull this look off but he oh so def did, lol. I hope he keeps it...



VOGUE is one of my favorite fashion magazines.... I just love this March cover w/ LADY GAGA! Lots of great looks for Spring in it... make sure you go grab you a copy!!


What's crackle-lackin?

Okay Ladies, how do you feel about this new crackle nailpolish?? I've seen it on some ppl & it looks okay & on others a lil scary..... I'm still kind of in the middle on if I like it or not. But I am def gonna give it a try...

Spring 2011... Pick your POISON :x

A. I love ALL of these looks! Looks like highwaist skirts/pants aren't going anywhere! Thank goodness : ) Lots of bold colors this Spring & fitted looks....
B. Highwaist. Highwaist. Highwaist. Did I mention highwaist? When I saw all these looks the first thing I thought about was I can so recreate these looks! Thrift store anyone?

C. One of my FAV looks is the bandu top w/ highwaist pants, skirts, or shorts. I'm sure you will see Bre & I in this look a lot this Spring.....


Boys do you think YOU could look this good in PINK??

Once again my MAIN luv pulls off what most can't! I mean I want this HOT PINK blazer for myself. I love how he is such a risk taker. Most boys around my way will throw on  a pink polo & think that is making a statement! No sir! Let me see you pull this off THEN we can talk...


We miss our Dolls!!...

Hiiii Dolls! I can't believe it's been over a month since our last post! We have been... Well let's be honest, LAZY! I am so sorry we have neglected you all. We had a great meeting last night & discussed some amazing things we are going to bring to the blog. Spring is arriving and we are thrilled to show you some of our favorite looks!!! Also, we are in the process of desiging shirts to sale. Like I said sooOOoo many great things coming & we can't wait to share them all w/ you. PLUS, more on how to LOOK GOOD for LESS! We've missed you guys & stayed tuned for what's to come. MUAH


Thursday, February 3, 2011

LITAS w/ a lil Shag??

You all know how my fellow blogger and I feel about LITAS...WE LOVE THEM!! But Jeffrey Campbell has decided to throw some fur on them! Yeah, FUR and I want to know what you guys think about them? Personally, I am looooooooving the white ones for the Spring!!! I dunno about the other two but I can def see Bre rockin both of them....

Oooo Wee over the knee socks!!

Okay, so as I have posted before I am in LOVE w/ the over the knee socks! When I was in Atlanta for my friends's b-day I bought 3 pair. They are adorable with wedges, flats, ankle boots, and knee boots!! I've posted a few photos to show you different ways to wear them. I can't wait to rock mine : )

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dirty money done got Clean.

Ok so I was doing my daily gossip blog fix, and stumbled across Dirty Money in London. Whenever celebs hit London they know that their style must be on the next level! Like as soon as you step foot off that plane your style better transform! But I am absolutely in love with this look! Dawn has completely killed the whole plaid look, from head to toe! I need her whole outfit! The fitted blazer with harem pants...KILLER. Those shoes too...I need before the winter is up! I have no idea what the other chick's name is but she is werking that fur! WERK-ING! The mix with the fur and graphic tee...I die. Now on to my main man Diddy...most men wouldn't dare rock that trench coat, but he ROCKED THAT SHIT! I love a stylish man...and Diddy kills it every time. Men, start to step out of the box. This is a lil random post...I literally stopped what I was doing to post this. I had to.

Scattered Brain full of Fashion.

So my brain has been scattered with clothing pieces, ideas, shoes, looks, etc...and I have yet to put them all down on paper, sketch something or anything. I think I'm about to go crazy if I don't! lol Yes I sketch from time to time. I have slacked off lately, so I'm a lil rusty but I still have skills honey! I keep seeing men that I want to just take strip down and style them! And I think that's exactly what I'm gonna do...from here on out if I see a male who needs my touch I will give it to him if he lets me. Lately my obsession is styling men. So my next few projects will be styling some men...and I'll keep a log and keep you all posted on what I do. Also, lately I have been extremely focused on my modeling. Since I slacked off and gained a shitload of weight I have to get it off, and tone it up! so Operation Sex Kitten Catwalking the Runway is in affect! I will keep ya'll posted of my results! I'm almost too old to model...good thing I don't look it! So I'm ready to jump start this career and get paid to do what I love! I'm so excited to have you guys with me on this journey!!!! This is a random post...sorry no pics! I'm at work blogging and all my pics are at home! Sowwy! Talk to you hot bishes later!!! and Hot guys too! lol Catwalk.

x Who LOVES Courtney Love x

I am a big fan of Courtney Love! I love her attitude, crazy style, & I think she is beautiful. As crazy as she may be all dolled up she is ONE BAD GIRL!

The reason for me posting this is b/c I am going to do a Courtney Love inspired photo shoot. She reminds me a lot of myself (well not the drug addiction part) she's fun, crazy, outgoing, and not scared to take risks w/ fashion. I am so excited about this project and can't wait to share it w/ you guys!! Until then...


iris van herpen x united nude

       This shoe is so BOMB I had to share it w/ you guys. Only 100 pairs of this shoe were made. If I could have any shoe right now this would most def be my pick! Only problem is it cost $1,295.95. But I say it's well worth it if you have it!

Oh my! Excuse me... but I think I just had a shoegasm...

If you know me you know I LOVE chunky, bold, weird, & CRAZY looking shoes!! I've picked out all of the shoes I want so far for the Spring... These all come from my favorite designers... Jeffrey Campbell, gee wa wa, Messeca, & Dr. Marten. These shoes are ALL MUST HAVES (even if I have to get them one by one)