One thing that I love to see a guy in is a pair of Levi's... I think the fit of them (w/ the right outfit of course) is extremely sexy. I have listed a few of my favorites and some I think you have to be very bold and I do mean BOLD to pull off. So, tell me... What's your number?...
501. I personally like to see guys in the Original 501 jean. I think they are the perfect look & fit for most guys.
514. My next favorite would have to be the 514 Slim Straight. I love when MY guy wears these..Love it

511. Okay here is where it starts to get tricky. The 511 skinny. Now, I still like these but NOT everyone can pull these off. If you just have to have a pair I would try looking at some of the stuff Chris Brown wears to see what you can and can NOT pair w/ these. If you know how to rock these I think they are SUPER HOTT!
510. Now the 510 super skinny is a little too skinny if you ask me. Maybe for teens this look is okay but for MEN well... umm... ehhh... I'm not feeling it. I think these jeans would look better on femals but u like I love it.